Resource Guides
- Inclusion of students with disabilities (least restrictive environment)
- Wrongful death of students with disabilities
- personal injury cases of children and adolescents with disabilities
- Issues pertaining to readability of parent due process rights Miranda Warning Issues for defendants with disabilities (issues of readability) school safety issues with students who have special needs family court disputes concerning children with special needs issues of special education placement – finding the ‘right’ school to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities
- Criminal defense work with children and adults with disabilities
- Immigration issues for students with disabilities
- Expert witness services for students with special needs (disabilities)
- Research on matters of special education regulation (state and federal) and special education case law
- Independent educational evaluations implementation and expertise on special education evaluations
- Analysis of challenging social, emotional and behavioral issues
- Functional behavioral analysis (FBA) of students with disabilities
- Teacher evaluation, especially within the field of special education
- Evaluation of special education policies and procedures for assessment, IEP development and implementation and other such matters
- Determination of eligibility for special education services
- Issues of a Free Appropriate Education (FAPE) within the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
- Issues pertaining to 504 Plans
- American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- Dyslexia: Some Information for Parents
- Family Education Network
ADDitude Newsletter:
- Cool Science Site.
- Dinosaur Extinction: A Unit with Distinction!
- Dinosaur World
- Best Kids Websites: Dinosaurs:
- National Geographic for Kids – Dinosaurs
- Federal Avation Administration.
- Goddard Space Center (not designed for kids who just want to take up space!)
- Library of Congress
- LRP Publications for Special Educators
- The PBS Television Network Teacher Resources (You Can’t Deny The Famous Bill Nye!
- The Providence Journal.
- Providence, Rhode Island Weather
- Rhode Island Secretary of State
- The Weather Unit: A Thematic Unit (Take this one by storm!)
- What’s the Big IDEA 2004 – New Regulations P.L. 108-446
- Wrightslaw
Child Disabilities
Dr. Imber is available for evaluation, consultation, advocacy, and expert witness services for children, adolescents and adults with disabilities. His services have been utilized by school districts, parents and attorneys.
Individuals with Attention Deficit Disorders may qualify for reasonable accommodations from school departments and from various agencies such as College Boards (504 Plan). Students who have been diagnosed with ADD may also qualify for special education services summarized within an individualized educational program (IEP) when their disability adversely affects their educational performance. Individuals with ADD may also evidence other challenges such as learning disabilities, interpersonal issues and/or emotional disorders. Whether the person with ADD evidences a high degree or distractibility, disorganization or an unusually high degree of activity, support within the home, school and community environment may be needed.
Autism & Asperger’s Syndrome
Individuals who are ‘on the spectrum’ may have a variety of needs including modified instruction, social intervention and close supervision. Individuals with autism vary substantially in intellectual ability, educational performance and interpersonal skills. Many individuals can be accommodated within an inclusive environment through which positive social relationships may be enhanced, Challenges with abstract thinking, ‘reading’ of one’s own emotions and the emotions of others as well and adjusting to changing expectations and environments are typically experienced by individuals with autism.
Behavioral and Emotional Disorders
Individuals with emotional disturbance exhibit one or more of the following characteristics to a marked degree over a considerable period of time. These characteristics include an inability to learn (academically, socially or behaviorally), a substantial inability to interact with peers and/or adults, an exhibition of abnormal behavior or feelings under normal circumstances, exhibition of signs of unhappiness or depression or psychosomatic illness (physical manifestations of illness such as stomach aches or headaches without any known medical cause).
Individuals with emotional and/or behavioral challenges may be able to function within the general education environments with the necessary supports and services, counseling and academic intervention. However, individuals may need more intensive supports and services with more restrictive and structured environments for at least part of their school day (special class, alternative day programs, residential schools or hospitals programs). Although functional behavioral assessments and positive behavior intervention support are not limited to students with serious emotional disturbance, such individuals are likely to be in need of such interventions.
Developmental Delays (Global)
Children with developmental delays typically evidences substantial challenges intellectually, academically, socially, and physically. The needs of such children are often quite extensive. Services included within an IEP may include special education instruction, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, adaptive physical education, counseling and 1-1 support from a paraprofessional within a general education setting or more restrictive environment.
Learning Disabilities
Individuals with learning disabilities exhibit a wide range of abilities and disabilities. Federal regulations on Special Education (The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act) identify students who have a “disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia.”
“Students who have a specific learning disability do not evidence learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance, or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.”
Some students with learning disabilities evidence challenges in only one or two areas of academic achievement (e.g. reading and written language) while others have disabilities in several areas including reading, oral expression, written expression and mathematics. Some students have verbal learning disabilities while others exhibit nonverbal learning disabilities (spatial disorders). Most students with learning disabilities can be accommodated successfully. However, some students with learning disabilities require specialized instruction provided within special classes, day programs, specialized school programs and even residential environments.
Like all students with disabilities, the aim of special education is to meet the unique needs of person with disabilities within the least restrictive environment in which that individual can experience success.
Traumatic Brain Injury
Children with Traumatic Brain Injury may suffer from substantial head injuries which may adversely affect speech, language, cognitive processing, problem-solving and social-emotional behavior. Dr. Imber has been involved in some cases where students have suffered trauma due to negligence (lack of appropriate supervision).
Visual Impairment Including Blindness
Dr. Imber has been in several cases with students who have visual impairment and blindness accompanied by severe intellectual, social-emotional delays and physical disabilities. His expertise is with regard to program analysis. His work has focused on the appropriateness of a public school program as compared to a private school program. Most of the students who have been served by Dr. Imber have been nonverbal.